Do you repeat behind your computer? Automate them today to save time and money, which you can then use to expand your offerings. Based on consultation with you, we will provide you with a complete documentation of the required solution, which we will then implement. In our team you will find a number of experts with experience in developing software solutions who have many years of experience with projects for call centers, insurance companies, banks, and specialized robotic lines.

Do you have a lot of customers writing, calling, chatting? Then, for you, there are systems for managing and managing corporate communications. We will design such a system, implement it and train your team for use. Introduce the system to streamline your work min. 50% while at the same time gaining clarity in communicating with customers who appreciate not forgetting anything. If you plan to extend the communication later with other modules such as billing, filing, warehouse, etc., then the intranet solution is a suitable tool for you. It is always online and everywhere.
In today's busy world, customers are often out of the computer outside. Give them the opportunity to order your services or buy your products via mobile or tablet. You can also entertain them with extra features and they will be happy to come back. We create mobile apps for iOS, Android, Windows. In addition to creating an application, we'll take care of publishing to the store for that device platform. The app can inform the customer by messages, can receive appropriate statistics for you. How to use them?